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The lure to be in tune with time as it regards what is in vogue is one that we, as humans, will always find hard to resist. One area where this lure seems to be explicitly evident, is the world of fashion- with a variety of costumes and other (fashion) accessories now drawing great appeal from fashionistas. So, at this moment, I shall be reeling out some of these products- some of which you are already familiar with: Wooden Sunglasses...
As the consciousness of the consequences of unhealthy lifestyle trends hit us, there have been a wave of interest generated towards devices that help one in some ways to closely monitor one's wellness. Therefore, without ado, we bring you some of the products that have been piquing the interest of everyone who is concerned about his/her fitness: Smart Watches What makes a watch smart is its ability to accurately give data about something or someone. Smart watches are often integrated...
Convenience and sustainability are about the major factors that determine the kind of gadgets will go for. To aid our course, tech companies have been doling out many innovative designs of functional gadgets and accessories; some of these, are really trending at an alarming rate. So, here, is our list of gadgets that are currently generating tremendous buzz in the market: Bluetooth Speakers Bluetooth speakers are finding their way into homes as unique gadgets that are used to project sound....
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