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Convenience and sustainability are about the major factors that determine the kind of gadgets will go for. To aid our course, tech companies have been doling out many innovative designs of functional gadgets and accessories; some of these, are really trending at an alarming rate. So, here, is our list of gadgets that are currently generating tremendous buzz in the market:

Bluetooth Speakers

Bluetooth speakers are finding their way into homes as unique gadgets that are used to project sound. Music lovers find this gadget very fascinating hence the growth in its demand across nations of the world.

3D Printers

In some instances, the yearning for something different from what we use to know, makes us want to try out innovations that are projected into the market. The 3D printer [is one of such innovations, and it is really drawing interest from techies, and even individuals who fancy the sight of having 3D objects 'printed'.

Drone Cameras

Drone cameras are virtually going everywhere, and that's because of their employability in taking photographs and video recordings. Professional photographers as well as those who delight in landscape photography see them as a gadget for creating a wholesome viewing experience.

Phone Accessories

The growth that has been witnessed in the telephony industry has surely brought with it many 'sideline add-ons' that help us to better secure and/or maximize our smartphones. Some of the trending phone accessories we have come to cherish include water phone cases, liquid phone cases and power banks. These accessories will continually make wave year in year out as the use of smartphones keeps burgeoning.

Fairy Lights

Right about this moment- with the year coming to an end- the sale of fairy lights takes a surge as they are used for 'glowingly' decorating the living space. The LED fairy lights are worthy substitute for the conventional holiday lights set.